Humanity's adventure on Earth, which began with Aries and was filled with ignorance, has finally reached harmony after various social evolutions. Humans have now specialized in how to continue their existence on Earth, achieving harmony with the planet. The evolving social process has brought conflicts, disagreements between individuals and countries. This situation has led to the writing down of rules, contracts, and agreements in all areas of social and inter-societal relations to ensure harmony in opposing situations. Thus, relationships that could arise in every area concerning individuals and societies have been successfully harmonized by being put into writing, and the success of preventing conflicts has been achieved by signing every promise and commitment.
Libra in Karma and RelationshipsIn karmic astrology, the sign of Libra symbolizes harmony and justice in relation to the event, person, agreement, and word. The transition of marriage to officialdom started after this phase of the social evolution process. The ruling planet of Libra, Venus, is under the influence of Harmonia, representing harmony, loyalty, balance, and the energy of reaching better together.
In Pursuit of Harmony and JusticeIn birth charts, Libra, within the houses it governs and the chart elements it is placed in, indicates the pursuit of harmony and justice, the approach to these two concepts, the life topics into agreements, perspectives on them, structures to be jointly established, and contracts. Libra determines the ways and methods needed for an individual and society to achieve better harmony and a just order.
In karmic astrology, the sign of Libra emphasizes the importance of seeking harmony and justice in relationships, and achieving peace at both social and individual levels. In this article, we have thoroughly examined the place of Libra in karmic astrology and the effects of this balancing sign in our lives. Libra's energy directs us towards relationships based on justice, harmony, and mutual understanding.
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